Meet Norfolk's HR Guru, Lucy Feaveryear
Tell me about your business? Who you are and who are your clients?
I’m Lucy Feavearyear, I founded Mustard HR in 2019. Until recently it has just been me offering independent HR and Employee Relations consultancy. Mustard now consists of a small team of expert HR Consultants, servicing a range of businesses. We don’t niche but we look to work with clients whose values align with ours.
What do you love most about your work?
Definitely the variety! Also the flexibility that designing your own job can bring.
What are the challenges you face running your business?
It can feel daunting having to spin so many plates and it can also can be isolating. By creating a network of experts (like fabulous photographers when you need headshots!) as well as likeminded peers, it does help to feel part of a community, both locally and within the field of HR.
Have you got any tips/podcasts/books to recommend?
Something that I keep hearing recently (I’m taking it as a sign!) is that ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’. I think this is the best tip when running a business as it’s so tempting to want to do everything, so I keep having to revisit why I’m doing it and what I want and that helps keep me on track!
A book on my to-read list is ‘The One Thing’ –
I often find myself distracted and trying to do way to many things but apparently our brains aren’t wired to multi-task (however hard we try) so for optimal productivity we should focus on one thing only. Well that’s the theory, I’ll let you know how it goes!!
Pods – I listen to quite a few on and off, some business, some not. Nothing particularly high brow if I’m honest! Recently I’ve been listening to lots more about neurodiversity which I find fascinating and helpful for work and life in general.
What excites you about the future?
That’s a big question! Work-wise, I think it’s the possibilities. As my kids get older I’m hoping I’ll have more freedom, not just to work on my business but I’d like to travel more. I didn’t have the confidence when I was younger but I’d definitely like to see more of the world.
Thankyou so so much for giving it your all on the photoshoot Lucy! I'm going to check out that book - to place along the many others on my bedside table!
Please check out her website to get in touch with your HR needs.
Lucy is one courageous hard working young lady! I have had the pleasure of knowing her all her life - but residing 12,000 miles apart!
She’s had many hurdles to get over but has come out very much in front!
Congratulations Lucy with your thriving business Mustard HR & here’s to many more years of success!
And hopefully another trip ‘Down Under’