Chat with JENNY from Jenny Jarvis Lifestyle Coaching
Tell us about your business – what do you do, who are your clients? I am a life coach and NLP practitioner, taking people from post-trauma to triumph.
My clients have often had previous traumatic experience, done the work they need to do to be emotionally stable, but just don't know what direction to take next.
Or they have a clear direction but don't quite know how to get there. I work with a variety of people including men, women and teenagers who have suffered from redundancy, ill health, bereavement, accidents with life changing injury.
The thing they all have in common is that they are not comfortable in their current life and know they want something different.
Why people choose me? Why anyone "chooses" anyone, whether it's a business or personal relationship, is often based on a variety of factors but I think the most important is rapport. I want to work with people who want to work with me. For the sessions to be deep, open, honest, challenging and enjoyable, we must be able to get on and trust each other. All my clients have great trust in me and I in them. If anyone chooses a coach simply based on budget or experience, they may be disappointed. If you base it on rapport you can't go far wrong. I am always very open about my life experiences and this often resonates with people. How did you get to where you are today? I spent my entire life suffering from anxiety and not ever feeling comfortable in my own skin. I worked in a corporate environment training offices across the world, this was the part of the job I loved. When I became pregnant with my first child I struggled with Postnatal depression.
I fought to get well and 3 years later I was due to have my second child. I signed up to a 20 week programme, pre birth, which was based around hypnotherapy, NLP and Reiki.
It changed my whole world and outlook.
I became a Reiki Practitioner and later a Reiki Master and it was the start of my personal development journey. The next 5 years brought a mass of challenges as I supported my husband in his career. We travelled around the country, which with a school age child, pre-schooler and big German Shepherd, was not simple. The strain began to present in my body and I developed an auto-immune disease called Graves Disease. Again I battled through, changed my lifestyle and have been in remission for 6 years. All of this pressure brought an end to my 16 year relationship five years ago.
I continued to work in a job that suited my children's school hours, but wanted something more.
"It was then that I came across coaching."
After having numerous therapies for myself, coaching just seemed so future focused and positive. I was also drawn to NLP after the profound experience I had had many years before.
The Coaching Academy is one of the largest coaching schools in the world (and is ICF accredited) and also offer NLP, coaching for Small Business, Corporate and Education.
I signed up to them all. I qualified as a performance coach and NLP practitioner and am currently working on expanding my toolbox by learning tool specific to business and education.
The basis of coaching is all the same but having additional tools you can use in a variety of situations is a great thing to have. I often use my business tools in personal coaching.
I also have an interest in holistic coaching so have a spread across all areas.
What do you love most about your work?
I had a voicemail from a teenage client telling me my session had led him to have his first open conversation with his parents. It had opened up a whole new world for how they could support him and he was feeling so positive about his choices. He said I couldn't understand what it meant to him. Perhaps he wouldn't understand what that meant to me. It lit me up inside.
As did the client who, through our time together, sorted out his new business and was gaining a client base, found a new relationship, had gained so much confidence they had come off anti-depressants and pain killers (I did not know these final things until we did the review).
"What's not to love about all of that?"
What's the most challenging thing about running your business? The marketing aspect is where my skill set is most lacking. I am learning the skills I need.
I am having to work on myself internally to change the narrative that says I don't like taking money from people. I have always volunteered and given my time and experience for free.
Now I am on my own with 2 girls, I want to be able to gain my own financial freedom. It's something I work on daily.
Any tips you'd like to share? I love listening to podcasts, reading inspirational books (Glennon Doyle " Untamed"is my favourite) and making connections with fellow coaches. Getting up every morning and putting one foot forward.
Mantras! What excites you right now?
Everything! Literally every last aspect of coaching, learning, NLP-ing, watching the transformations that happen with my clients, seeing my girls pride as I succeed, what the future will hold. It's all exciting.
I hope you enjoyed today's catchup with Jenny! I found her so inspiring to work with. If you'd like to give her a buzz, she's extremely welcoming and can help guide you quickly back on your path to success - she's amazing!!
Instagram @jennyjarvislifecoaching
And if you know of an empowering woman in her field, please drop me an email.
These stories are so good to share. Women helping Women grow & shine the light on their business.